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The Great Lakes Group Psychotherapy Society is the local affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, the premier professional organization of group therapy practitioners, researchers, and educators in the United States. We would love to have you join us. You will be a member of a community of group psychotherapists dedicated to collegiality, continuing education opportunities, and more. Join Today! 


PROMOTE your groups on our website, in our newsletter, on our socials and at GLGPS events GROW professionally and personally through our Great Lakes Symposia conferences, workshops and consultation/networking opportunities BELONG to a group of dedicated people who value group process in service of healing and promoting well-being 

NETWORK with professionals across multiple disciplines and skill levels, especially as we broaden our reach to the neighboring states of Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin 

LEARN about relevant non-GLGPS trainings, current topics in group process and new skills to bring to your own group work

CONNECT with like-minded folks by becoming involved. Join a committee and bring your voice and ideas to help shape the new direction of the organization. 

QUALIFY for generous scholarships to both GLGPS events and to the annual conference of AGPA, the national group therapy organization, of which GLGPS is an affiliate.

In addition to our basic membership perks, you will receive:

  • A referral bonus for bringing in new members
  • Opportunities to present to the membership
  • Access to the Member’s-Only Facebook Group
  • Market non-group services and needs such as job opportunities or sublet opportunities 

I came to my first event hosted by IGPS (as GLGPS was called at the time) over 20 years ago.  What sticks out in my mind about that first conference was meeting the then president, Connie Vitale, and being confounded at how friendly she was.  I couldn’t understand why such an important person seemed so welcoming of and interested in this newbie, as I then saw myself.  I was similarly surprised when about a year later the then chair of the Program and Training Committee, Jeffrey Roth, asked me to join the committee he was in the process of forming.  Though I didn’t remember meeting him at a prior event, and was intrigued he even knew who I was, I decided to attend that first committee meeting.  The experience must not have been all that bad as I remained a member of that committee for a decade and a half (including becoming its chair!), until a couple of years ago when I elected to the role of president of the Society.

Being involved in GLGPS, as a conference participant, program presenter, and volunteer for the organization has become an important aspect of my life.  One of the jewels resulting from my affiliation which I cherish, is the consultation group I joined well over 15 years ago, consisting of fellow IGPS members.  It remains a steady beacon of support when the wildness of this work gets to feeling like it’s too much.

The opportunities for broadening my understanding of the power of groups and ways to enhance participants’ growth in my own groups has been profoundly expanded due to my continued contact with the organization.  What I learn both professionally and personally continues to enrich and enliven my life.  And the colleagues that I have remained in contact with over the years have become a major source of personal encouragement and clinical support, which is vital for maintaining a healthy clinical practice.  My life would be much poorer than it is today had I not invested myself in GLGPS. I hope you will consider involving yourself as well. As president, it is my great honor to continue Connie’s legacy by offering to others the same warm welcome she extended to me, all those years ago.

Bruce Aaron, MSW, LCSW

Membership Chair